One Degree of Sparation...
My goodness Perth can be sooooo small sometimes... maybe it is just Fremantle as I don't go up to the Big Smoke very often. There was a movie called the Six Degrees of Separation that came out a while ago that made some vague use of the premise that between any two people on the planet could be linked by the assocciation of at worst six people. I think in Western Australia it would be about two and more likely one... As a case of point we had some people move into our street and we were invited to a BBQ at their house, in talking to one of their friends i find that they work for the ABC and know Sarah (not well but in passing), know Greg with whom I work and now Ben is great friends with their son and their are in the same class at school...
The problem (or advantage) that I have is that I am in such a daydream that I usually don't notice people anyway (maybe if they had flashing lights on them i might) so it could as well be eight degrees!
Steve, who died in the aircraft accident 18 months ago, turned out to have been in my year, at my High School for at least two years... I then worked with him for about three years... I was never aware of this till after he died... scary isn't it?
So... who was it?
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