This is a picture from our Sydney trip. We spent that last few days in the Blue Mountains and on the last day, before we took the car back, we visited
Everglades. It is truely stunning. We were very lucky to be there at the best time of year. It is really quite unique in being a quite European garden but with the ability to grow a lot of plants that wouldn't normally be able to grow in Europe with a completely spectacular backdrop of the Blue Monuntains National Park. The chap that owned it then donated it to the National Trust really did an exceptional job and I would like to think that if I had the obsecene amount of money that he did, I would use it to make some thing as lovely as this then leave it for future gnerations to enjoy. The arch in the picture is interesting in that it was from a large Bank in Sydney that was taken down and moved to the garden. If you get the chance I can certainly recomend a visit...
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