Hotblack Desiato
Engineer; Lives in Fremantle; Brown Eyes; Has a Blue Car; (this is how my 6 year old described me at a Fathers night at school and I had to pick myself out...)
About Me
- Name: Hotlblack Desiato
- Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
This is what you want... and this is what you get!
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Previous Posts
- Careful with those Fingers...
- Plastic Bali Animal
- Hands On Zoo
- Volcano
- I'be been to Bali too...
- More Old Stuff...
- Almost Finished!
- Springs a coming...
- My nappy keeps falling orf...
- Roadside Chariot

Uhhh... what is it?
It was some sort of emergency contact with the police. I only saw two of them; one in Milligan St near Fast Eddies and this one down near the round house in Freo. Always had trouble stopping the Kids from playing with it... Probably replaced with 80 CCTV's...
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