Rain water tank and the stuff that goes in it....
Bit of a gap again I'm afraid! It has been cold and wet and misrable! Despite that we seem to have been very busy. One thing we got up to was to install a rainwater tank. Uusally this would cause the dryest winter in history but seems to have actually caused the opposite to occur. The tank was installed on a Friday and then not mush happened for a day or so then I think we could have filled the thing about 20 times over! It has been the wetest start to winter for 75 years. Anyway we have got another brew of Pilsener on made with lovely rainwater so hopefully that will be nice. It has proved a bit more of a challenge keeping the wort warm though. The chap at the brewing shop did warn me that this one produced a bit of a sulphery smell, Rose then spent most of the afternoon blaming the dog!

Twas so sad to see that "0 comments" that I felt compelled to put something together.
Even if only to confess to the feeling of nostalgia that seeing a humble back gate can provoke.
Suffice to say that we miss Australia, the Wades and Clancey's Fish Pub, amongst many other things.
Then again, the maid makes a difference on this side of the world, but all the same....
great tank, email to follow
Twas so sad to see that "0 comments" that I felt compelled to put something together.
Even if only to confess to the feeling of nostalgia that seeing a humble back gate can provoke.
Suffice to say that we miss Australia, the Wades and Clancey's Fish Pub, amongst many other things.
Then again, the maid makes a difference on this side of the world, but all the same....
great tank, email to follow
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