Termite Infested Legs
Well that should have got you interested! During the weekend we shortened the legs on which the boys Cubby house sits. I built the cubby about four and a half years ago and it has towered over the garden. While I was building it the neighbour suggested that it was actually better built than the house we live in... Unfortunately i didn't use steel stirups to keep it off the ground and the timber that was in contact with the ground became a meal for a lot of termites. I had known about it for a while but hadn't done anything about it till the weekend when we found out how heavy it all really is as we jacked the entire thing up and then lowered it back down on the ground, it now sits only a foot off the ground instead of about four feet. Unfortunately in the enthusisim for the engineering conquest of the cubby house we forgot to go to a concert by the WASO that my mother had bought us all tickets to... I feel so bad!
On a different note: you can actually listen to Clotilde on a link from her website... Nice pictures...
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