27 November, 2006


Had a great weekend when we headed down to Margret River to see the Australian Chamber Orchestra perform at the Vasse Felix winery. It was a fantastic concert as it was great to be in a much more intimate enviroment with the Orchestra. They had as the soloist Joseph Tawadros and his brother James. Joe plays the Oud, which is a sort of Egyptian Lute. He was also wearing the pointiest shoes I have seen since the Lenningrad Cowyboys! It was followed by a fantastic meal with a different wine for each course. Certainly a very unique and special outing which hopefully might be repeated next year! I suspect that it was massively underwritten by Janet Homes รก Court as I cannot see that the ticket price would have come even close to paying the costs - I must congratualate her on supporting the ACO though, they really are an Australian Icon!


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