Hotblack Desiato
Engineer; Lives in Fremantle; Brown Eyes; Has a Blue Car; (this is how my 6 year old described me at a Fathers night at school and I had to pick myself out...)
About Me
- Name: Hotlblack Desiato
- Location: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
This is what you want... and this is what you get!
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Previous Posts
- Surprise!
- Short Life...
- Neu Years Eve
- Digital Radio
- Shed Shelf
- Waiting for the Crosswalk...
- Fly-In
- Compost
- Police Post
- Careful with those Fingers...

Dragged in to sea trials? How long since you last went out?
yes -- not long enough!
they gave up and dumped me on a jetty! It was flat as a pancake and only in Cockburn Sound!
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