25 May, 2005

Not so Leaping Lizards...

Last Friday on the way to school we picked up a small lizard, a gecko, from the footpath outside the school. It was suffering a fairly major gash to its small side. He then got taken into the school to be examined by 22 6 and 7 year olds. It got left at school over the weekend much to the consternation of Ben. Much perperation went into a Lizard house and, as in this picture, a Lizard Hospital. It has a lovely soft red velvet bed in it. He was still alive on Monday morning and then made the trip home. Unfortunately he passed away into that Big Lizard House in the Sky. Ben is still in denial about his passing and is quite convinced that he is just resting. One of Rose's collegues suggested that the red velvet would make a nice coffin lining. Nurses can really be quite callous...

Camera takes 4200th Photograph

Hmmm Took the 4200th photograph with my digital camera. So i am roughly running ahead of 2000 a year. That works out to about 40 a week!!! I'm certainly glad i don't have to pay the processing on that!

22 May, 2005

Party Party Party!

Well it has been a bit of a gap... sorry! We seem to have been quite busy; last weekend we hosted a large party for or friend and neighbour Kathy for having got through four years of being on the Fremantle City Council without killing anybody (mostly the deputy mayor i think). It was a lovely evening and we were very lucky with the weather. We had about 10 children and and about 25 adults and since our house relies quite heavily on the outdoors aspect we needed good weather! It took most of Saturday to clean up the house and get ready then most of Sunday to recover. It was very odd having a party for lots of people you don't know! During the week we went to Peter G's birtday party and ended up hobnobing with our local member of parliament while the boys ran around having fun. The party moved from the inital drinks and food section at Clancey's to the Cake and wine part at their house. Had a bit of a nasty shock on the way we we went through a Random Breath Test (it was only about 1km) but it was all OK but you always feel guilty in those situations regardless of the pure as the driven snow reality...

05 May, 2005


This is what is holding up our house... or rather this is what is NOT holding up our house! The perils of living in an old wooden house is that at some point it has to come into contact with the ground and that happens through the stump. Let's be honest here, they have lasted for about 70+ years so i can't really complain. It isn't the best job in the world though as clearence isn't great and after crawling all the way across the underside of the house you find that you have forgoten your tape measure and have to crawl all the way back... and so it goes on. Anyway next time you walk through a wooden house give a thought to what is under your feet...

04 May, 2005

Old Jelly

We had a lovely roast pork on the webber for tea the other night and Rose found this jar of Plum and Apple jelly that my Grandmother had made for us dated 3/96!!! I have no idea how it has managed to follow us through two house moves. It is older than Declan! I'm afraid to say that unlike a fine wine it had seen better days.... It did however bring back many memories of her fantastic cooking and even looking at her handwriting on the label was rather poignant.

03 May, 2005


This is the German Dark larger that we are currently enjoying...

and this is what we hope to be drinking in a few weeks...