26 July, 2007

You wouldn't read about it!

About a year ago a couple, Monica & Wendell Wilkins, moved into the rental property across the road from us. They were pretty quiet but friendly and we talked a bit about the UK, that the had emigrated from, to escape the cold. Last weekend while I was cutting the last of the skirting board for Declan's room on the front veranda a young lady stopped by asking for them and told me that was was their daughter. I told her people of that name lived there but they didn't have children, (Monica had told me that, sadly she been unable to have children). The Young Lady then told me that they probably wouldn't have remembered having her! She waited around and they came home half an hour later and it seems that she was their daughter!

16 July, 2007

Look at the size of the Boot!

The boys bought some Lego recently and Declan amused me when he had finished his Lamborghini and he said, "Call that a SuperCar look at the size of the Boot! You can't have a super car that you can put your Golf Clubs in!" Of course in real life the Engine is in there but Jeremy Clarkson has a lot to answer for!
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12 July, 2007


Well one year on again... This was in LePuy and it sort of reminded me of an Esher lithograph. There was an amazing, massive cast iron Madonna out side here which was a bit crass really! We had a lovely meal in the old part of town, while there was a huge thunderstorm and downpour.
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04 July, 2007

Star Warz

Ok -- yet more, this is what we were doing a year ago! Yeah well it is wet and rainy here and nothing exciting is happening and last year while we were on holiday it was next to impossible to actually update the blog or do anything on the computer let along have the time to do it, so we are re-living it a year later on! This morning I said to Declan, "So what did we do this time last year" and he just looked at me blankly and said "How do you remember these things?" Unfortunately I have always had an excellent memory for where I was and what I was doing. Poor memory for names & a lot of other things though... So the Wednesday of our week in Paris and we took mercy on the children and caught the Metro to the French Science Museum on the outskirts of Paris. It is a huge building which can be sort of reconfigured inside to house different sorts of exhibitions. We were lucky to see and excellent Star Wars exhibition that had LOTs of the original models and costumes. It was extremely impressive and we looked at it for hours. It was also multi-lingual which was a help!
Oh and the picture... Rose just loved all the flower shops in Paris...

01 July, 2007

Flying to Paris: One Year Later

Well it's almost exactly a year to the day that we were flying between Madchester and Paris! With the weather being the way it is, it would be nice to be back there!