20 September, 2012

Speedie Dawg...

This is the Tilly going flat out across the school oval! I will miss the use of the school oval as it has some lovely trees. We will be closer to the beach soon and there is also quite a nice oval a bit closer but always quite enoyed taking the dog up hereā€¦.
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17 September, 2012

A very long time ago....

Found this photo of building the boys cubby house in the back garden which must have been almost 12 years ago now. Declan is now at least an inch taller than me and not really very blond at all. The cubby is long gone and the shed of 3 years ago is there full of bicycles...
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10 September, 2012

Verge Soccer Martyr's

These sad little men are off to the afterlife to play Soccer in hopefully a more loving environment... and perhaps to also not to have a Phillips head screw through the torso...