29 March, 2007

Back to the Clock...

Making a very vague attempt to get the clock chugging along again. This was a bit that used to eject the CD's from the drive and not looks cool on the top of the clock. It sort of randomly buzzes around causing people to question why? and what? and when? I am thinking of getting the clock to use the new Digital Internet time of a beat! This will really make the clock unique...

Other excitement: Went to see Luka Bloom at the Fly-By-Night club in Freo. It was very, very excellent. Pity it was a tuesday night as he is going to be in town for quite a bit longer as he is holidaying here. He did a Kylie Monigue song which sounded really banal but very funny! He also played a couple of new songs that he had written while on the tour which i enjoyed along with all the classic oldies. He got a fair bit of lip from one lady who wanted him to do his version of the Aussie Classic Throw Your Arms Around Me, he eventually acquiesced. It was the 5th time we had seen him and the 7th time he has been to WA. He seemed to really enjoy the concert and liberally bagged Queensland, Canberra and John Howard. He also read a rather moving poem about his reaction to seeing Paisley and Adams shaking hands on the TV in plane flying over from Adelaide. He was saying how moving it was for an Irishman to see after so many years of strife.

25 March, 2007

Peddle, Peddle, Peddle

This photo is from last Sunday when I went on the Athsma Foundations 30Km cycle from Belmont to Joondalup along the freeway. It actually wasn't a particularly difficult trip. It took about 1.25 hours or so to get there -- so about 1.5 porcupine tree albums on the iPod!
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22 March, 2007

No Entry!

The boys young cousin came over to play recently and they got out their old wooden blocks. That was over a week ago and they have continued to play with them! It is a bit tretcherous crossing the lounge room floor at the moment...
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13 March, 2007

Recycle or Die!

Went with the boys and some old Beehivers (also at EFPS) to look at the sculptures at Cottosloe Beach. There were some excellent bits of work and some rather odd ones as well. I am still a bit unusre about the Telletubbies showers... The way the beach goers were interacting with the scuptures as well was amusing!
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07 March, 2007


Currently brewing up a Rogers Clone and after resting from my trials and tribulations i noticed that the instructions for the brew are in Polish! How odd... I have bought this wort a number of times and i am pretty sure that i couldn't read Polish those times...
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05 March, 2007

We're off to see the Circus, the Wonderful Circus of Oz!

The social club at work organized an outing to see the Circus OZ performance on Saturday. It was lots of fun but unfortunatley rather hot, even though the Big Top was airconditioned. I did feel a bit sorry for the performers, who were all excellent, with the heat. Rose and I felt that it could have been a bit better put togther as the theatre side of it was a bit confused. There was a bit of a scrum in the car park leaving so we went up to the Duxton for a beer in the front bar. Fellow beer drinkers were the Chaps from the band The Egg who were about to go down to Supreme Court Gardens for a huge Dance Party/Concert shindig. I must be getting old but the sound levels coming from that as we walked past did seem a bit excessive... But it was a fun afternoon and boys enjoyed it all, especially the bicycle with the wheels on fire!
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