23 July, 2008


Looking into the Shed. This is the computer that will be looking out at the Swan river from the Scout Hall real soon now...
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09 July, 2008

Hairshirt one Month...

My view of the outside world past Jim and the CRO...
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07 July, 2008

Trotting it Out...

At my brothers for his Birthday on a lovely sunny Sunday. The local park was originally the Richmond Paceway and there is some interesting public Art there. This is some of it... The new camera took some snapp'n pix!
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06 July, 2008

End of an Era...

Well this is the end of an era! All the pictures that have appeard on this blog to date have been taken with this Camera. I have had it for over 5 years now in that time it has taken about 12,000 pictures. Yesterday i gave him to Ben and replaced it with a Digital SLR, a Nikon D60 which comes with a couple of lenses and is about 3x as many pixels. The best bit is the amount to tweeking that you can apply to the picture (if you want... you can still flick across to Auto). One of the things that i really wanted was the ability to control the camera from the Laptop so i could do some HDR and other interesting experiments along with doing some more creative panorama's.
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