28 June, 2005

Suffuse Glow

Well i got around to bottling the Coopers Pilsener about midnight on Friday night as i decided that i could not procrastiante about bottling it any more or i would have to pour the whole lot out! Sarah kindly provided a LOT of bottles and so this brew are all in the same bottle! I put the bottles in hallway to get a bit of extra heat during the day and on Sunday morning we had a lovely sunny clear day and the bottles literally glowed. You could see tiny bubbles as the second fermentation set in. Bit sad that i wax so lyrical about beer!
The Blog format has changed again as Rose prefered the old Black one so we tried this one as a similar, but not quite the same style...

25 June, 2005

Mrs Lee

This news is a little bit old but i thought that i would share it with you. Ben's teacher, Mrs Lee, was the runner up in the teacher of the Year! The winner was a teacher in Albany. I must say the Mrs Lee is fantastic. She told us that she had been teaching for 44 years and i hope that i still have half her enthusasim when i have been working for 44 years! The children got very excited when one of the local television stations came and did a small segment for a current affairs program. We all got to sit down at 6:30 last thursday and watch Ben in the background looking slightly bemused. Congratulations Mrs Lee -- I think that you thoroughly deserved it! Ben thinks your great too!

23 June, 2005

Uber Internet!

Well at last we have joined the Internet in style! We now have a spiffy new ADSL connection which allegedly connects at 12,000 kbs which makes it at last 200 times faster! Hard to know if it is really that fast but things that i have put off doing for ages like updating the virus scanner now seem to take no time at all, quite literally! Now all we have to do is keep the usage below 4G a month... I might even update the blog a bit more often as it is so much easier now!

16 June, 2005


Well I suspect this is the closest to Snow that the boys will see in Fremantle! We were just getting ready for school and then it came hammering down... Ben rescued some and put it in the Freezer. It didn't really last very long but was entertaining while it lasted.

14 June, 2005

Rain water tank and the stuff that goes in it....

Bit of a gap again I'm afraid! It has been cold and wet and misrable! Despite that we seem to have been very busy. One thing we got up to was to install a rainwater tank. Uusally this would cause the dryest winter in history but seems to have actually caused the opposite to occur. The tank was installed on a Friday and then not mush happened for a day or so then I think we could have filled the thing about 20 times over! It has been the wetest start to winter for 75 years. Anyway we have got another brew of Pilsener on made with lovely rainwater so hopefully that will be nice. It has proved a bit more of a challenge keeping the wort warm though. The chap at the brewing shop did warn me that this one produced a bit of a sulphery smell, Rose then spent most of the afternoon blaming the dog!