Baby Buster!

Hmmm seem to have lost a large chunk of week. So this week we had a swimming carnival, a trip to the Channel 9 Television Studios with Cubs, a Funeral, sanding and varnishing of the rear bi-fold doors and a new computer... a Mac!!! Well it is a few years old but it chugs along nicely and does all the good stuff. We have it in the Kitchen and listened to the BBC streaming radio and Declan laughed like anything at the weather forcast of snow/blizzard/storms which did seem a bit odd when we looked out at the window here with the quite warm day and endless blue skies... something Perth excels at...
While having lunch and a bit of chat with fellow resources at work i mentioned that the toilets looked like they had been cleaned with Battery Acid. The copper pipe had suddenly become lighter and shiner and the tiles on the floor had lost their glaze... Matt commented that he never used the toilets at work unless it was a complete necessitity. He said that he had even considered a colostomy to avoid using them. Ryan suggest that if you went to the Doctor to request this his response might be to consider a different place of employment...
Had fun times on Saturday evening when went out with friends Paul and Euginie to the Fremantle International Beer Festival. We initially intended to go in for an hour of beer tasting, get a passout and have a meal in Freo then return to see the Whitlams. As it turned out we were unable to get a passout so we had a few pints and some pizza at the Sail & Anchor. Ruturning to the Festival we found that it was now a lot cheaper as it didn't include the tasting component of the ticket. As the lady pointed out this meant that you queued up for 30 minutes for an egg cup of beer and most of the stalls were out anyway... You were still able to buy beer from a very large selection of beers at the large bar at the back, and the wait was fairly short. The chap that was working on the Bar seems to be charging $15 for two beers and $25 for four pretty much regardless of what they were. We then enjoyed the Whitlams and a number of Saint Pauls and it was a fun evening.
It was the end of the Cricket Season today and Declan celebrated with a wicket. It was a very hot day. We had a BBQ at the end of play and had a bit of a wrap up. Quinten the chap that did the coaching and umpiring was fantastic and encouraged the boys so much. It will be a bit sad not to have a chat with the other dad's and sit under a tree for two hours on a Saturday morning. It was also rather bizzare while play was on, a parent of the other team was running their black, V8 Commodore sedan in the blazing sun so that they could have the aircondioner on. One of the other dads and I were waiting for the engine to seize up... It was certainly an efficient use of energy to keep the 150Kg mum cool...