This was highly amusing! While we had our two days in the Lake District we went to Wray Castle and The Beatrix Potter Gallery and various other places. We decided to stop and walk up a small mountain (well a hill really) called Latterbarrow and look down over Coniston Water.

When I was young I had been a very keen reader of the Arthur Ransome children books, many of which were set in this area. I had introduced Declan to the books and he had also enjoyed them. In on of the books,
Swallowdale, the children climb a mountain and at the top find a stone cairn. Amongst the rocks at the bottom of the cairn they find an old tobacco box which has a sixpence and a note that the parents of some of the children left when they were young.
When we climed Latterbarrow I said to Declan, jokingly, lets look for the old tabacco box! I had a bit of a look and instead found this:

It is a letter that a chap had written to his girlfriend. It says:
November 1997
Well Leigh, hopefully you remember Capri Sun on Latterbarrow. By the way welcome to Latterbarrow. If you have got this I would say that we are still together. Is this your first time up here? Well to the point now: Leigh I have known for a long time that I love you and that I want spend a lot of time with you, but I at the moment of writing don't know how long. However if you are reading this then I am happy because I now know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So I was wondering, LEIGH SNEDDON, WILL YOU MARRY ME?
P.S. Please
P.P.S. Got to go it's raining again
When we found this Rose thought that I was doing some sort of joke but it is as we found it! We put it back so you can go and have a look. We were wondering what happened! Are they happily married? Did she ever come? Who knows, but it even sparked a romantic feelings in an old cynic like me!