27 February, 2006
25 February, 2006
24 February, 2006

Well been more active on Flickr than on the Blog at the moment. There has been a bit of a comment war on a couple of pictures that I posted... They were posted to provoke that so the desired results were achived. Not very good pictures at all. This one, though, I quite like. It is at Kojunup, which is a small town south west of Perth and the locals have made a lovely Rose garden that is really quite extensive. The Roses are grown in a maze and there is a new museum of local stuff which is really quite fascinating. Well worth a stop if you are on the way to Albany!
20 February, 2006
19 February, 2006
17 February, 2006
Coco 4 T
Last night Rose & I used up our Quiz Night winnings and went to Coco's in South Perth. We had a nice meal and the service was good even if it was a bit lacking in ambience.
15 February, 2006
Floydian Strings
Went to see the Australian Chamber Orchestra last night. As usual, it was an excellent concert and included some unusal pieces of music and an unusual soloist, playing an Oud. The highlight was the Shostakovich String Quartet but the version of the Pink Floyd's Shine On You Crazy Diamond was also pretty amazing and when you know the song as well it is quite fascinating to hear a different version...
13 February, 2006
A Few Hiccups along the Way...
Spent most of Saturday cooking dinner for some old chums from High School who we see too infrequently. I was great to catch up and the meal was pretty successful. I think that maybe I am a better winter cook. We drank the lovely bottle of Pinot that I got for couriering... Sunday was mostly spent reorginizing the computer networking and cabeling that I had ment to do for a long time. As such this is being typed on the rather sad old laptop as we only have the wireless connection working at the moment. I also have a rathter limited collection of pictures to draw on so you will have to make do with this one taken at Manly. The interesting thing is the chap sitting on the grass is actually Ewen Macgregor! No true!
10 February, 2006
09 February, 2006
Last Day of Enlightenment...

07 February, 2006
06 February, 2006
I suppose I had better explain yesterdays post and also apoligize to Ralph Steadman for unashamedly stealing his picture. We bought a new printer/scanner widget the other day and I was playing around with the scanning ability and happened to have one of the best books ever written in by hand so I scanned in a picture... then what to do with it? well blog it... Anyway if you go to his site check out the artwork for sale and remember that it is my Birthday on friday and one of Ralphs lithographs would go down a treat on the wall at home...
Actually yesterday wasn't really so bad. After some initial painting out the front we went to see the abandoned father in his hill top cave (my Mother has gone on holiday to Thialand). Dad seems to be having lots of fun and demonstrated the engine running in Tractor #4 which was pretty impressive being that it looks much like a ball of rust, it runs extremely smoothly. If I had remembered to take the camera I could have taken a picture... After some time spent doing some other jobs we got a phone call from some people who were keen to buy the Morris. We then rushed back to the Home by the Sea and did the transaction and watched the small blue
appirition chug out of our lives. It is with very mixed emotions that it goes but I suspect to somebody who has more time/money/energy/patience/realisim. I just hope that it got back to their house OK as they live in Bunbury which is about 200km south and the Morris has probably not done 200km in the last year! Still they had another car and a tow rope... as i said realists...